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A short time after retaining the services of Steve and The Resultants, I began serving in the role of President of Roberts Irrigation. Steve became a sounding board for me as well as a trusted friend and advisor. His experience and guidance have moved our organization, and me personally, down the path of success at a rate I could never have imagined. The conversations are not always easy, but they are 100% truthful and exactly what is needed at the time. Through years of conversation, the one word that keeps floating to the top is "care". The fact of the matter is that the entire team at The Resultants cares!
Implementing the process The Resultants brings to the table is a journey of transformation for the organization, and also for the people, to embrace open and honest discussions that create harmony within their business and personal lives. I believe the journey that The Resultants have been on for the past 25 years is not simply about creating success in the business environment but finding joy by truly bringing out the best in each person they have an opportunity to work with and influence throughout the process.
Working with The Resultants has been a blessing for every single person in our organization. My reward has been watching the transformation of my team. Seeing expectations for each other being raised, watching the professional interactions of people within the company, and having the opportunity to see the personal growth of those I am lucky enough to have stand alongside of me."
Rich Anderson, President
"Every day, I can see the how The Resultants process has made a difference in our business. No longer are ideas communicated simply by speaking from one person to the next, instead we take the time to document and discuss questions, answers and expectations. Using a consistent meeting cadence throughout our organization has helped to reduce the "We and They" finger pointing, which seems to be an issue in all businesses with multiple operating units.
Everyone is aware of how meetings are managed and what their involvement will be when they are participating. Metrics used throughout the organization make it easy to address issues on a timely basis, and reliance on these objective measurable facts avoid any perception of bias or favoritism. We debrief after activities and celebrate successes, identify opportunities and modify the plan of attack for the next project.
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